Many times you meet a complete stranger at an event just for a few minutes. And then come back home and talk about that person rather than 10 other close friends that were also there. That is the power of FIRST impression. The first impression that you create on a person has a significant effect on the future of that relationship.
That is why they say that the FIRST impression is the LAST impression.
Research says that a first impression is recorded by the other person in about 10 seconds. First impression can make or break your future relationship with that person.
Although a first impression reveals only a small part of who you are or what your qualities as a person are but that is the 100% information the other person has about you. This is how important the first impression is. The old saying that “We judge books by their covers” is so true. I am going to share THREE Sutras today, which will help you to create a fantastic first impression when you meet someone.
An elevator pitch is a short introduction of who you are and what you do. It should not be more than three or four sentences but designed to get immediate attention and respect from the other person.
As per Author Patrick King, the first 10 to 20 words out of your mouth creates the first impression.
You may not know but smart people practice elevator pitch before a mirror when they go for an event or a meeting.
Hence, elevator pitch has quite a role in creating the first impression. It is that important.
IBM sales team is famous for always putting on a tie. IBM believed that you are treated as you are perceived and you are perceived as you are dressed.
Unlike a IBM salesman, you can arrive at an event dressed up in khadi kurta pyjama and a bag on your shoulder. You may be anybody but you will be perceived to be a “jhola babu” or a “superficial intellectual”. However, it is important to dress for the occasion. You may not want to turn up as a Santa Clause for an office party and as a Jhola Babu for a Christmas party. Always look your best. It matters.
Research has proved that only 20% communication is verbal ie what we speak. 80% is from body language. Posture, facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures and tone of voice all contribute to how we communicate and understand each other.
In my view the top three would be to start with a firm handshake, speak with a confident tone in your voice and always keep an eye contact during conversation. Body language is about what you say but without actually saying it.
Here are some data from research about what creates a first impression.
20% is from verbal ie the words you say. 40% is from what you wear and how you look. 20% is from the handshake & eye contact. 20% is from the tone of voice.
Here is a good old quotation.
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. But this also seems a bit unfair to have such a short window of opportunity. But now you have the THREE Sutras to make it fair for you.
Go For It. Leave Them Wanting More Of You.